par Henneaux, Marc ;Teitelboim, Claudio
Editeur scientifique Teitelboim, Claudio;Zanelli, Jorge
Référence Summer meeting on quantum mechanics of fundamental systems(2: 17-20 December 1987: Santiago, Chile), Quantum mechanics of fundamental systems : proceedings, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, page (113-152)
Publication Publié, 1989
Publication dans des actes
  • First and second quantized point particles of any spin
Auteur:Henneaux, Marc; Teitelboim, Claudio
Editeur scientifique:Teitelboim, Claudio; Zanelli, Jorge
Informations sur la publication:Summer meeting on quantum mechanics of fundamental systems(2: 17-20 December 1987: Santiago, Chile), Quantum mechanics of fundamental systems : proceedings, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, page (113-152)
Statut de publication:Publié, 1989
series:Series of the Centro de Estudios Cientificos de Santiago
Sujet CREF:Physique